Furniture home decor ideas

Are there many of the old pieces of furniture in your home? team of Just for lover gives you many wonderful ideas home , all ideas are very easy

brazilian makeup Summer

Brazil .. a world of bright colors that were full of life and vitality, so how about if the make-up and colors with touches of Brazilian this summer

How to prepare ice cream yogurt

Descriptive yogurt well water through a strainer tight and leave in the refrigerator for two hours until the yogurt to get rid of excess water

Pizza pies

In a wide frying pan heat the oil over medium heat, Add the onion softens my heart to be just a little bit, the farthest from the fire, Add the sausage

Tunisian Chicken Couscous

Couscous is Tunisian unofficial national dish. But it's more than just a staple food: for many families preparing and eating couscous is a ritual and a tradition that binds the generations together

‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات beauty and tipes. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات beauty and tipes. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الخميس، 7 مايو 2015

Hair Growth Oil Mask

125 ml of castor oil 
Castor oil extracted from the seeds of the castor plant contains fatty acids , omega-9  and many vitamins
Castor oil of the most important and the most effective oils to treat hair loss,,encourage hair growth ,and increase the density of your hair 
With the frequency of its use increase the smoothness of your hair and you'll notice also increase its luster
Also advised cosmetic specialists who suffer from damaged hair and dandruff  using castor oil to address those problems.
70 ml Sweet almond oil
Sweet almond oil essential to the health and beauty of natural hair oils,because it contains large amounts of nutrients and vitamins, which works to strengthen hair and soften and improve the overall texture
Benefits of sweet almond oil to improve blood circulation scalp,
and it helps you get strong all glamorous hair and brighter.
Treats hair loss and baldness, it nourishes and moisturizes the parties hair and restores hair structure brittle,it help for hair extension and treatment of head itch ,It concludes the scalp of the dead cells accumulated during head massage process
50 ml of sesame oil 
It contains vitamins, such as vitamin E and B-6 vitamins and this gave sesame oil's ability to grant power of the hair and protect the scalp and hair.
Sesame restores gloss of hair and treats  hair brittleness and handling.
It is anti-bacterial and fungi and to the characteristics of this oil is a natural antiseptic to the scalp and prevents infections that can lead to hair loss.
Sesame restores health gloss hair dyed oil and strained as a result of exposure to chemicals harmful to him constantly.

الاثنين، 4 مايو 2015


do not put nail polish on the calf, which spoil your ability to install your hands,and try to calm as much as possible
Wait between the layer and the other: 
Here the need to wait for the success of the mission,wait until the first layer dry to begin with the second coloring
Hand strongest first:
It is better that this hand coloring nails before other
Two layers of paint:
Never put one layer of paint on the nail, it can not get a positive result, but put two layers of it

Get a rosy lips by natural ways

Who would not want his lips supple and shiny pink like Hollywood stars? The requirement is not difficult but can be achieved in ways that simple home we offer you in the following lines

 Bring a slice of lemon and put them little sugar and  passed on your lips every day and you will notice the result, the sugar is like scrap "peeled" for  your lips  helps to eliminate dead cells and lemon used to treat dark skin patches and spots 
Before going to sleep removed make-up and lipstick on your lips and then wipe of cloth moistened with rose water.
Before going to sleep Put almond oil for moisturizing
More than eating fruits and vegetables.
A lot of drinking water. "Bring a water bottle with you wherever you go so you do not forget addressed
Put honey on your lips before going to sleep, it will nourish your lips and makes it shiny and soft at the same time
Wet toothbrush and start move it over your lips softly to you get a smooth and shiny lips
Rub the lips a little beet juice before going to sleep and you will see the result in the morning

الجمعة، 24 أبريل 2015

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast ans Naturally

More problems that could be exposed to anyone grain appearance on the skin,  and sometimes appear due to psychological factors
Many begin to resort to prescription medicines to get rid of these pills
But these recipes may cause harm to the face and increase the grain, as well as the occurrence of infections caused facial Therefore we recommend using natural recipes to remove the grain of the face.
And now we'll show you recipes to get rid of the grain on the skin 

The first recipe
Teaspoon of rose water
One teaspoon of natural honey
  Tablespoon of oats
  Teaspoon of starch
  One teaspoon of ground rice
  Liquid milk
How to prepare
We mix ingredients with the milk mixture to become coherent.  We then placing them for half an hour on the face. After half an hour we Rinse the face with hot water.
We then rub the skin with a snowman in order to Mashing the pores of the skin.  To get the desired result we repeat this recipe every week to get rid of these pills, and this mixture is to whiten their skin dark places.
The second recipe
Teaspoon of yeast.
A tablespoon of honey.
A little olive oil
How to prepare
We mix these ingredients until the mixture is thick but not made up lightly.
We put it on the skin for an hour and an hour later we washed with water.

These recipes do not cause any external symptoms or skin infections, all of them are from natural sources, anyone who can get these ingredients and the preparation of these recipes, and when you use it you will notice results within a few period of time, and can be used at any time you feel offended by grain dark skin and the appearance of the areas where the results appear in the first period

السبت، 18 أبريل 2015

brazilian makeup Summer

Brazil .. a world of bright colors that were full of life and vitality, so how about if the make-up and colors with touches of Brazilian this summer
Summer makeup touches Brazilian means to be a bold and adventurous colors like shades of new eyes, as well as for the graphics and colors pen blushes so some pictures that we've taken you from summer 2014 makeup touches
Brazilian may find it something of an exaggeration, and others can be applied where simply enough to be a fan of bright colors, and in all cases you high fashion makeup for the summer of 2014 Brazilian touches